Hello and thanks for stopping by my blog. My name is Shereen Rayle and I live in Portland, Oregon. I have always loved to travel, but the costs of seeing the world aren’t always that convenient for fitting into my budget. I spend a lot of my time searching for ways to lessen my expenses on trips, from airfare to activities, and have learned a LOT of tricks to saving money in all my travels. When sharing my holidays with friends, they always think I must either spend way more than I did or have some sort of secret that they want in on. When I explain how much I saved and how, they are still surprised (and possibly skeptical), but when it’s time for them to start planning a trip, they always come to me for help.
My husband, Eric, and me at Chislehurst Caves |
I know my friends (and their friends) aren’t the only ones who have to travel within a budget and when I started getting travel questions daily, I figured out that what was really necessary was a book that pulled all my travel knowledge (from packing to buying airfare) together into one place that people could use as a reference guide. While I was writing it, I started the Shereen Travels Cheap blog, a corresponding Facebook page and Twitter feed. It has been growing ever since. People want to hear from someone that is like them, not some travel professional that gets paid to take swanky holidays and stay in posh suites all over the world. Well, that’s me. I don’t have a job in travel and I holiday on my own budget. I have to make the most of it, just as other budget travelers do.
While I have nothing against going camping, backpacking or staying in hostels to save money, it’s not my travel style. I want to take a traditional vacation and be a bit pampered (you know, with hot water showers and leaving the majority of my belongings behind while I go out and see my destination city). Most budget travelers that I know have a family in tow, so they can’t be spending nights sleeping on someone’s couch, taking 12-hour coach rides or wasting money they need for everyday necessities. With this in mind, I give real-world travel advice for real people. Stay in hotels, eat in restaurants, go to tourist attractions and have FUN.
Once my following grew large enough for me to realize that I have many readers from the UK, I started thinking about a second blog. Now that my book has been published and I’m getting more recognizable around the web, I felt that branching out and writing about an area of the globe that is dear to me and also has some of the most expensive cities in the world was the perfect next step. I hope you enjoy Shereen Travels Cheap UK and use it to travel to the United Kingdom more “cheaply” or travel within your home area of the UK on a smaller budget.
This blog is going to be constructed bit by bit over the spring, so if there’s something about me you’re interested in knowing more about (guest posts, sponsored posts, advertising, etc.) that isn’t available yet, head over to my original blog or send me an email for more info.
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